Contact Us
If you are interested in further information, please email me at "Anne[dot]Kietzig[at]McGill[dot]ca".
Note to possible candidates, at the present time we are not recruiting, however if you have a strong background in optics and photonics, you are encouraged to contact us.
Due to the sheer volume of applications, all other emails will likely remain unanswered, no need to send follow-up emails.
Anne Kietzig, Professor
Dipl. Ing., ing., PhD
Media Coverage
Discovery Channel - Daily Planet
CBC Telejournal
Global News
McGill | Dept. of Chem. Engineering
Biomimicry Institute
Laser Physics and Technology
Plasma Processing Laboratory
Dept of Chemical Engineering
McGill University
M.H.Wong Building
3610 University Street,
Montreal, Quebec H3A 2B2