An introduction to our research
Biomimetic Surface Engineering
Biomimicry is the science of transferring concepts found in nature to other fields. The terms biomimicry, biomimetics, or biomimic come from the Greek words bios = life and mimesis = imitate. Nature displays many superb and unique ways of solving complex problems, which humans tackle in a more energy consuming, less sustainable way.
The probably most well-known example is the lotus leaf, which exhibits very efficiently how a surface can be self-cleaning. When a raindrop falls onto the lotus leaf, it immediately rolls off and carries with it any contaminating particles present on the surface. This so-called “lotus effect” is attributed to the dual scale roughness structure of the lotus leaf. Other examples for surfaces with superior characteristics are the surface of the shark skin (hydrodynamic drag reduction), penguin feathers (water and ice-shedding), the mosquito eye (anti-fogging), cactus needles (water harvesting and directional flow).
These surfaces have attracted considerable attention not only in the fields of biology and botany but especially in engineering with researchers trying to copy the surface structures and functionalities. The interest in such functional surfaces originates from the diverse application possibilities. These range from the prevention of condensation and water coalescence, as well as the prevention of contamination and fouling, to the enhancement of lubricity and durability, and to the increase in biocompatibility of such surfaces.
Learning from and imitating nature is key in succeeding to protect our planet and to sustain and advance our modern way of life. The development of novel processing techniques and advanced materials plays a vital role in finding sustainable solutions to environmental and industrial problems. My research strives to contribute to this goal by using novel laser processing techniques to create distinct surface textures and surfaces with specific functionalities on various materials.
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McGill | Dept. of Chem. Engineering
Biomimicry Institute
Laser Physics and Technology
Plasma Processing Laboratory
Dept of Chemical Engineering
McGill University
M.H.Wong Building
3610 University Street,
Montreal, Quebec H3A 2B2